The gallbladder (12.5X)
The image shows a cross-section of the gallbladder wall. The gallbladder is a small "sac" located beneath the liver, where bile is produced. Bile contains bile salts, which aid in the digestive process, and waste products that need to be eliminated from the body.
Bile flows from the liver and is stored in the gallbladder. When we eat (especially fatty foods), the gallbladder reflexively contracts and releases the stored bile into the duodenum.
The image may be somewhat blurry and grainy, but try to identify the epithelial layer, smooth muscle fibers, and consider the role these smooth muscle fibers play in this organ.
On the outermost layer of the wall, you’ll find a layer of dense connective tissue, which acts as a capsule. This serves as the gallbladder's "armor" against its surroundings.
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