Details of the layers of the urethra: (100X)
The layers of the urethra:
- Mucosa (Tunica Mucosa): This is the innermost layer of the urethra and is lined with mucous membrane. It consists of transitional epithelium in the prostatic and membranous portions of the male urethra and stratified squamous epithelium in the penile (spongy) portion of the male urethra and in the female urethra. The mucosa helps with the passage of urine and may have mucus-producing glands in some areas.
- Muscularis (Tunica Muscularis): The muscularis layer is responsible for the contraction and relaxation of the urethra, allowing for the control of urine flow. It contains smooth muscle fibers that help expel urine from the bladder and transport it through the urethra.
- Adventitia (Tunica Adventitia): The adventitia is the outermost layer of the urethra, and it consists of connective tissue. This layer provides structural support and helps anchor the urethra in place within the surrounding tissues.